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Monday, 30 March 2009

Almuñecar has run out of money.Mayor set off on a trip to Morocco

00:51 |

Following the privatisation of its tax collection system, Almuñecar has run out of money.The Mayor, from the Convergencia Andaluza party, Juan Carlos Benavides, has warned municipal workers that this month’s wages are the last ones he can guarantee as the Town Hall is bankrupt.
Benavides blames the crisis on a lack of funding from the Junta and the Diputación, both, he said Socialist controlled. An ex Socialist himself, it was his decision to privatise the tax collection system, supported locally by the PP, which led to the current stalemate, with the Junta challenging the idea and the Granada courts which have meanwhile paralysing the operation.
The Diputación says that the Almuñecar Town Hall should have collected an income of some 3.4 million €, and they will help out, but the Mayor says he will not respond to ‘blackmail’.
After telling the municipal workers of their plight, El País reports the Mayor set off on a trip to Morocco.

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