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Wednesday 9 July 2008

Mijas Costa bridge came down when a crane got caught underneath it, and the blocked A7 motorway caused traffic chaos for the rest of the evening,

23:17 |

Four of the six injured in the accident caused by the collapse of a pedestrian bridge over the A7 motorway in Mijas Costa on Monday afternoon have been allowed home from hospital, while the two men who were in the first car which was crushed by the falling bridge remain in a serious but stable condition in the Costa del Sol hospital in Marbella.
The men aged 44 and 30 had to be rescued from the remains of their crushed vehicle by fire-crews. One has suffered head, abdomen and neck injuries, the other facial and head injuries.
The bridge came down when a crane got caught underneath it, and the blocked A7 motorway caused traffic chaos for the rest of the evening, not least because a breakdown in communications led to a delay in the opening of the toll motorway to all traffic amid several scenes of road rage from frustrated drivers.The company which has the toll concession has meanwhile been warned by the Ministry for Development following their taking an hour to obey a Ministry instruction and lift the tolls following the accident on Monday. The company was ordered to lift charges at 1850 but it was not until an hour later that the barriers were lifted, causing serious delays to thousands of travellers.

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