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Thursday 8 May 2008

Julián Muñoz, are refusing to accept the prosecutor’s demand that all those charged with perversion of the course of justice

08:21 |

The idea of a forming a plea bargain pact with the prosecutor has, according to El País, split the ex-GIL party councillors in Marbella who face corruption and other real-estate related charges.Defence lawyers are trying to get the prosecutor’s offer of short jail terms replaced by mere financial penalities.
The prosecutor wants a deal to speed up the some 70 cases which are linked to the town, most for the granting of building licences for illegal constructions.
However some of the ex Councillor defendants, including Tomás Reñones and Alberto García Muñoz, the nephew of the ex Mayor, Julián Muñoz, are refusing to accept the prosecutor’s demand that all those charged with perversion of the course of justice linked to real estate spend between one and three years in prison, according to each case. They want only to face fines. The newspaper reports that those who have already been inside, such as Julián Muñoz and Marisa Alcalá, are more disposed to accept the prosecutor’s offer.
The next stage is a meeting tomorrow (Thursday) between the prosecutors’ office and the lawyers of the ex-councillors to see what progress can be made.

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