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Saturday 19 April 2008

Isabel Pantoja mugshot taken and put on file but who leaked the photos.

09:40 |

Isabel Pantoja, the famous singer, accused of tax offences and money laundering. was released on bail of 90,000 euros, but not before her mugshot had been taken and put on file. The photo appeared shortly afterwards in some of the media.
Now, hundreds of civil servants working for the Interior and Justice Ministries are being called on to say exactly why they felt the need to access the Isabel Pantoja file, and while some are able to show that they were working on the case and had good cause, many more are having to admit that it was sheer curiosity that led them to use their computer passwords to take a look at the file.
It will not be easy to sift through those suspected of passing on the photo to the media because of the huge numbers involved. However, passwords can be shared by several members of a team, so some of the people under investigation can show that they were not even in the office on the day in question.

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