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Sunday, 16 March 2008

Madeleine McCann: Método 3 99% certain that the girl is dead, and that her body was thrown into the reservoir

00:11 |

"We found two bags, one of which contains some small bones."We don't know at this stage if they are human bones. If they are, they look like they come from a child's fingers. They are too small for an adult. I can't tell you how many we found, because we didn't count them. "As soon as we made the find, we handed them over to the Portuguese authorities and the private detectives working for the McCanns."

bones were found by divers in a reservoir some 40 kms from Praia da Luz
The Spanish detective agency Método 3 say they are bring some bones found at the bottom of a lake in Portugal back to Spain to have them analysed. First reports say that the bones are more likely to be from a small animal rather than those of the missing British youngster Madeleine McCann, but they are already in the hands of the detective agency for analysis.A search has been carried out in the Arade reservoir all week by seven divers who have been working for the Portuguese lawyer, Marcos Aragao Correia. He has been working by himself for months in the search for Madeleine and says that it is 99% certain that the girl is dead, and that her body was thrown into the reservoir which is some 40 kms from the apartment where the McCann family were staying in Praia da Luz last May 3.
The lawyer says he decided to start his own search after receiving some clues in the case three days after Madeleine vanished, and that his line of investigation coincides with that of the Spanish detective agency contracted by the McCanns.

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