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Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Lightning strike kills in Cadiz

07:58 |

60 year old construction worker died on a building site in the Los Barrios district of Cádiz. The victim, who has been identified as José Iglesias Conejo, was apparently struck at around 11.45am when he got up to put on a raincoat.
His workmate, 59 year old Antonio Espinosa Moya was also injured after being thrown several metres in the same strike. In a separate incident, firemen were called to evacuate around a dozen people from four properties in San Roque's Miraflores district affected by leaky roofs. This week's heavy rains have also flooded part of Jérez's courthouse building as well as La Antilla beach and Estepona's sporting marina, where several parked cars were left standed.

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