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Friday, 12 October 2007

UK Citizen

21:06 |

who has not been named for legal reasons, who stood accused of murdering a married couple of the same nationality, with whom he lived in Mijas, has been found guilty by the jury.
The slaying took place on March 18, 2005 at the couple’s house in Mijas. The events happened after an argument between the three. First the wife was killed in the home then the husband fled as far as the road where he was stabbed to death. Investigators found 68 stab wounds on his body. The accused man then allegedly set fire to the house, which was completely destroyed, in an attempt to hide evidence. The woman’s body was so badly burned it was only identified after forensic tests.
The Briton is said to have a criminal record in the UK and he has served sentences for these previous crimes. He has denied having murdered the couple, and says he was very good friends with them and refutes ever having had a row with the husband and wife.Now the jury has reached a guilty verdict the man will be sentenced, probably this week. The prosecutor has sought a 28-year prison term, 26 year for the murders and another two for the damage to the house. He will also have to pay compensation to the family of the murdered couple, although the exact amount still has to be decided by the court.

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